How to clear Facebook ID Pic verification :-
facebook id pic verification
Everyone knows Facebook.Facebook is an online
social networking service.Facebook attempts to
keep on top of scams and community standards
violations, so some times our id gets blocked. There
are many reasons like you did not use your real name, joined too many groups,added as friend too
many people etc. If you want to open blocked id
then there is a trick.With the help of this trick you
can clear Facebook id pic verification and you can
open your blocked account.
Steps For Facebook ID Pic Verification :-
=> Step 1
Go to Google images search
=> Step 2
Type Facebook “name of 1st friend” copy and
paste from blocked account
=> Step 3
Search , you will see the picture of the 1st friend in
the 1st 3 results
=> Step 4
If you didn’t identify the picture, repeat the same
=> Step 5
If you didn’t identify the friend.simply skip the
picture and you will get another one (always you
have 2 skips/picture)
Step 6
After you identify the 5 pictures Facebook will ask you to change your password and email password
=> Step 7
Change your Facebook account password and
confirm that you change your email password
(even you don’t)
=> Step 8
Now every thing is OK.!!
How to clear Facebook ID Pic verification :-
facebook id pic verification
Everyone knows Facebook.Facebook is an online
social networking service.Facebook attempts to
keep on top of scams and community standards
violations, so some times our id gets blocked. There
are many reasons like you did not use your real name, joined too many groups,added as friend too
many people etc. If you want to open blocked id
then there is a trick.With the help of this trick you
can clear Facebook id pic verification and you can
open your blocked account.
Steps For Facebook ID Pic Verification :-
=> Step 1
Go to Google images search
=> Step 2
Type Facebook “name of 1st friend” copy and
paste from blocked account
=> Step 3
Search , you will see the picture of the 1st friend in
the 1st 3 results
=> Step 4
If you didn’t identify the picture, repeat the same
=> Step 5
If you didn’t identify the friend.simply skip the
picture and you will get another one (always you
have 2 skips/picture)
Step 6
After you identify the 5 pictures Facebook will ask you to change your password and email password
=> Step 7
Change your Facebook account password and
confirm that you change your email password
(even you don’t)
=> Step 8
Now every thing is OK.!!
sir plzz help my fb account is block email:pradeepchaudhary658@yahoo.com
and password:Laxmmi123
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